
Lung Cleansing Teas & Lung Detox Recipes

Do you want to nourish your lungs or give them a good detox? In this articles we’ll introduce you teas & herbs for long-term lung health or fix flu like symptoms.

Green Tea

Green teas are the best choice if you don’t have any flu symptoms currently, but just want to nourish your lungs for long-term health. Green tea has light anti-inflammatory effects that protects your lungs whenever a flu comes up. It also contains many anti-oxidants that improve the regenerative effects of your full body. All in all, it’s a good overal lung detox tea.

Besides lung health, there’s a long list of benefits related to green teas. Have a look at this long list of scientific articles: Green tea health scientific publications.

Chrysanthemum Tea

chrysanthemum long cleansing tea

For those who don’t like green tea or are sensitive to caffeine in green tea, Chrysanthemum tea is the way to go. Like green tea it nourishes your lungs. Moreover, the aroma of Chrysanthemum has great calming effects (like lavender) and allows you to sleep better during the night.

Ideally, one can consider drinking green tea during the morning and early afternoon, while gradually switching to Chrysanthemum teas during late after noon. In this way, you’ll enjoy the regenerative properties of green tea and the calming effect of Chrysanthemum tea. That’s the best lung cleansing program one can imagine!

One more tip: Add Goji berries to Chrysanthemum tea. This doesn’t only sweeten the tea, but also moistens your eyes.

Osmanthus Tea

Another popular herbal tea is Osmanthus flower tea. Osmanthus flowers have also been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese medicine to boost lung health.

The benefit of Osmanthus is that you can also add these flowers to any leaf tea to make it part of a lung tea recipe blend. It’s flowery sweet butteriness will fit into any blend. For example, an Osmanthus green tea or Osmanthus oolong tea will simply taste delicious.

Or you may cook delicious food with osmanthus flowers, such as this delicious sweet osmanthus rice cakes below:

osmanthus rice cake gui hua nian gao 桂花年糕

Osmanthus flowers are often used in all kinds of desserts in China such as an osmanthus coconut jelly. At home, people often make osmanthus flavoured sugar syrup to sweeten tea or coffee.

But…..when you’re already suffering from flu like symptoms you may need a quicker fix. In such cases, we recommend teas below.

Honeysuckle tea

chinese honeysuckle

Honeysuckle tea is a special one. In 2014 scientist discovered a molecule in Honeysuckle that works as a viral penicillin again flu and ebola. Its anti-viral and anti-inflammation effects makes it a great herb to prepare as a tea for a quick flu fix.

For scientific information regarding this topic you may read:

Tip: like for Chrysanthemum tea, it’s also a good idea to add a few pieces of goji berries to sweeten the tea and improve eye health.

Kuding Tea

Kuding tea is another popular anti-inflammatory herb that can be consumed when having flu. Kuding tea can be the best lung regeneration herb choice if you also suffer from symptoms like diarrhoea, red eyes, head ache, bad skin and/or ringing in the ears.

Precations for Honeysuckle and Kuding

Unlike the other teas mentioned, both Kuding and Honeysuckle are very powerful, but should be consumed with care. We do not recommend those who suffer from cold hand and feet to consume Kuding (due to its further cooling effects). Als pregnant woman should avoid Kuding.

We also recommend limit our intake to no more than 3 cups a day.

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